Photographer: Abigail Silliman

1. What significant life experiences or events have influenced and shaped your artistic vision?

The most significant life experience that has shaped my vision as an artist is, well, being a woman. As a woman, you face many trials in life concerning your worth and identity. Between the impossible beauty standards of today and the pressure to see a specific number on the scale, it’s extremely difficult to feel beautiful within yourself. After conquering so many insecurities of my own, showing other women their unique and effortless beauty is truly my goal and my vision.

2. Collaboration often sparks fresh creativity. Can you share an example of a collaboration that led to an unexpected and exciting artistic outcome?

I collaborated with an incredibly talented photographer named The Earthy Jay for multiple photoshoots some years ago, not knowing at the time how deeply he had impacted me as an artist. He taught me everything I know, and inspired me to think outside the box.

3. Walk us through a specific project that challenged your creative boundaries. How did you approach it, and what did you learn from the experience?

Some time ago I planned an at home photoshoot in my living room, using a linen sheet and cheap lighting equipment. I approached it with an open mind, trying to “work with what I had” with the budget I was given. The photos turned out exactly how I envisioned they would, teaching me how wonderful it is to think outside the box when your resources are limited, and you simply just want to CREATE!

4. In the ever-evolving art world, what do you believe sets your work apart and makes it unique or groundbreaking?

What sets me apart as an artist is my need to show every aspect of true beauty and what it means to be human. We’re capable of so much potential, I like to document that in such a way that inspires others to embrace the side that drives them to create.

5. As you reflect on your journey, are there any specific goals or milestones you've set for your artistic career in the coming years?

At this moment, my primary goal is to reach a place where I have complete confidence in my abilities as an artist, consistently reminding myself—and truly believing—that there is nothing I can't accomplish.

  • Model: Taylor Cameron

    Model: Loranna Miller

    Photographer: Abigail Silliman

    Model: Tyleana Cripe

    Model: Ashanti Miller

    Model: Lily Hooley

    Model: Tina Bontrager

    Model: Taylor Cameron


