Shevy O’shea is coming in HOT!!!

Photographer: Mental Mural

1. What significant life experiences or events have influenced and shaped your artistic vision?

My journey through life has shaped my artistic vision. The trials and tribulations, the ups and downs, the good times and bad. All of it gives me something to express and write about. There has been so much that has happened in my life and I’m grateful for it all. Solely because it has shaped me as an artist and continues to inspire my vision.

2. Collaboration often sparks fresh creativity. Can you share an example of a collaboration that led to an unexpected and exciting artistic outcome?

There’s song on my upcoming EP that is collaboration between me and a phenomenal UK artist. As I was walking the streets of London, I heard this girl singing, her voice was so beautiful and angelic that I had to tell her. That led to me scheduling a studio session that day and us recording the record. She had never been in a recording studio before however what we created was magical. That must be my absolute best collaboration ever. I found another star. She has since gone on to become a Grammy Award winning singer/ songwriter and it all started from that day walking in the streets of London.

3. Walk us through a specific project that challenged your creative boundaries. How did you approach it, and what did you learn from the experience?

I was given the opportunity to travel to Paris, France to work on music for my upcoming project and let’s just say I was excited. Once I got there, in the studio I was told that the producers I would be working with didn’t speak English, only French. My first thought was how in the world is this going to work. However, I was up for the challenge. As we started the process I reminded myself that music making is all about the feels and that’s what I used to inspire the creation process. As we built the instrumental, I express my liking and as I created lyric and sang the producers expressed their feelings all without any dialogue between us. It was a lots of head nods and smiles. We eventually created my now hit single“Falling” which is out now on all streaming platforms and to me one my best and greatest songs.

4. In the ever-evolving art world, what do you believe sets your work apart and makes it unique or groundbreaking?

What set me apart from another artist is foremost that it’s me! There’s only one Shevy O’shea on this entire planet. I pull vibes from the Caribbean and soul from R&b and blend it all together. However secondly are my experiences throughout life. I genuinely believe that my faith in God takes me through certain circumstances whether good or bad and it all gives me something to create and sing about. Which is always relatable to current times as a man, as a person, as an artist, and just as a spiritual being trying to understand and makes sense of it all while still having some BIG dreams! We all love or seek love, we all cry sometimes, we all have desires, and I express all of it through my music.

5. As you reflect on your journey, are there any specific goals or milestones you've set for your artistic career in the coming years?

Releasing my first body of work is priority, however my comfort zone is the stage. My main goal and focus on connecting with my audience more and if I can be specific, a Tour. I want to share my love and passion for this art and how hard I’ve been working become a star. I want to sing and dance and give the world Shevy O’shea! I’m ready for it all.

6. How did you discover Mob and what made you choose us? <3

I discovered Mob via social media/ instagram. It was edgy and cool. It had the vibes of true artistry, and it was not just your typical publication. Everything that there told its own story, yet collectively all made sense. It was the artistic expression I saw that moved me to choose Mob and I am happy I did.

  • Photographer: Mental Mural

    Creative Director: ShaVelle Nelson


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