Mob Journal

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More then one Face

Photographer: Polina Stukert

1. What significant life experiences or events have influenced and shaped your artistic vision?

From the very young age I start visiting theater school for acting and dancing and fell in love with all the  beautiful ways Humans are able to express themselves.

2. Collaboration often sparks fresh creativity. Can you share an example of a collaboration that led to an unexpected and exciting artistic outcome?

Few months ago I had the chance to work with the talented Raquel Orozco and her daughter, who puts so much energy and love into her work. I felt immediately inspired by both of them and felt lots of appreciation for that Spark they gave me.

3. Walk us through a specific project that challenged your creative boundaries. How did you approach it, and what did you learn from the experience?

Working in Shanghai with Nils. S a male model from Netherlands  – who challenged me in every way. He’s  ability to move , express himself in front of the camera was mind blowing. He’s ideas and acting skills challenged me and inspired at the same time.

4. In the ever-evolving art world, what do you believe sets your work apart and makes it unique or groundbreaking?

My way of feeling the surrounding and expressing what I feel.

5. As you reflect on your journey, are there any specific goals or milestones you've set for your artistic career in the coming years?

Going deeper in to the art world and discovering which potential is in me and how can I be my best and most expressive self.

6. How did you discover Mob and what made you choose us? <3